Prayer vigil this Saturday in NE Philly for victims of violence in Pakistan
Article Date:
Friday, April 20, 2018
Jeanne Swartz (announcement in 4/18 meeting)
There will be a prayer vigil for victims of violence in Pakistan this Saturday, April 21st, 6:00 PM at St. William Catholic Church, 6200 Rising Sun Ave, in NE Philadelphia.
Over the last few months ISIL has slowly been infiltrating and taking over Taliban strongholds in Western Pakistan. Because of this, attacks on minority groups are increasing. This includes Hindus, Ahmadis, Sikhs, and Christians, all making up no more than 5% of the total population.
When such attacks happen, the Pakistani Christian community in NE Philadelphia is often directly affected, with many in the community either being relatives or friends to those killed or injured overseas.
If you can, please take some time this Saturday to come out to St Williams between 6-7 PM. Bring a flower, drop off a card, offer a hug to give comfort, or stand or kneel in silence even if just for a few minutes.